159% of Star Trek

Dad, Nathan, and I went to see Star Trek at the Spacedome IMAX theater tonight.  We’d all been looking forward to it for a while, but I’m not an opening weekend kind of guy, so we waited a few weeks while the crowds thinned.  Mission accomplished:  there were perhaps two dozen other attendees. Unfortunately, at … Read more

The Tabasco Habanero chicken experiment

I like hot sauces quite a lot.  They’re a great way to add healthy excitement to food.  In that interest, I decided to have my grilled chicken breast marinated in Tabasco Habanero Sauce tonight.  (I had a little on hand.)  Heh.  It’s the hottest of the Tabasco sauces. Don’t let the name intimidate you.  Tabasco … Read more

Race day!

The 93rd running of the Indianapolis 500 is today!  I’ve heard noon CDT/1 EDT for the start time.  Television coverage on ABC starts an hour earlier, I think, and if past races are any indication, there still could be a lot of pre-green flag grabass even at noon. So who the hell knows exactly when … Read more
