March 1: 289.5 lbs.

That’s a loss of 1 lb. in February, and a total loss of 7.5 lbs. since January 1. Well, it’s the correct direction, you know?  Yeah, I wish it was more, but I know why it isn’t.  I overindulged in the first part of the month when I added poultry back, and wound up relinquishing … Read more

Upward party at Tommy’s Pizza

The boys played their last games of the 2009-2010 Upward basketball season yesterday.  Nathan’s season-end party was this afternoon.  We don’t keep score, but if we did, the Rattlers would have won all of their games this season except yesterday’s. This is Nathan’s third year to play for Scott (“Coach T”), and he does a … Read more

A beautiful spring day stolen from the winter

We had a marvelous spring weekend in the middle of February (upper 60s, sunshine, and gentle breeze)!  I changed the oil in Lea’s van and washed the Technical Writing Express, and we took in the Mill Creek Greenway this afternoon.  It’s somewhere between 0.3 and 0.4 miles from beginning to end, but it looks as … Read more