It is illegal to annoy me

The city of Brighton, Michigan has passed an ordinance making it illegal to annoy another person.  Now they’re denying that’s what the ordinance says.  Here is an excerpt from a PDF found at the city’s web site last week: “It shall be unlawful for a person to engage in a course of conduct or repeatedly … Read more

Derbyshire for Secretary of State

John Derbyshire is one of my favorite opinion journalists.  He’s grumpy and pessimistic, but his grumpiness and pessimism sync up with mine a lot of the time.  He’s also wicked smart and a hell of a writer. On page 2 of his November diary entry on the National Review site, he answers Randall Parker, who … Read more

Flagrant adjective abuse

Remember the good old days of your childhood?  Remember running around, riding your bike, climbing fences, getting muddy, and running home for lunch to find that your mom had whipped up a big ol’ mess o’ homestyle… …”chicken fries”?