The click

You can’t tell 16-year-old kids how dangerous driving a car is and have them really hear you. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try, and they might even understand it superficially. But I’m convinced they don’t yet have the wiring to feel it in their souls at that age. I don’t think anybody gets it at … Read more

A letter to Senator Bishop

This will be in tomorrow’s mail. Story here if this foolishness has somehow escaped you. June 11, 2007 Senator Charles BishopRoom 733-D, State House11 South Union StreetMontgomery, AL 36130 Dear Senator Bishop: I have reviewed the footage of you punching Senator Lowell Barron in the Alabama Senate chamber, as well as related press coverage and … Read more

It never gets old

As many of you might guess, I have several opinions about NASA and the way it’s run, and not all of them are positive. But I’ll still stop pretty much anything I’m doing to watch a shuttle launch. It’s absolutely spectacular. I watched Atlantis go up tonight with my boys, who were both spellbound. This … Read more