Peking and Bombay

Terrible thing that has happened in Burma. I assume the Red Cross will find a way into the country eventually, so we’ll make a donation. And yes, I said Burma. A bunch of non-elected thugs with guns—the same thugs who would apparently rather their countrymen sicken, starve, and die than suffer the heinous indignity of … Read more

Tomorrow looks like this:

It’s mine and Lea’s 11th anniversary. I love you, Lea. We’ve got our Dark & Stormy broadcast in the morning. This time we read Enchantment, by Orson Scott Card. My thoughts on it are largely complimentary, though thoroughly detached. It’s a fine piece of work; just not my thing. As similar as Saintseester and I … Read more

Finish her off

I’ve had enough of this shit. I don’t have the stomach for President Hillary Clinton, okay? I’m going to have to move if it happens. New Zealand, Finland, and Iceland are leading my list of candidate destinations. (No wussy cries of “Canada!” here.) And it’s going to take me a hell of a long time … Read more