He just wanted a hug…from the 250-lb. bear

Hey, did you see where the colossal dumbass college student climbed into the panda exhibit for a hug, and wound up in the hospital for days with bites all over his arms and legs?  Story here. “Yang Yang was so cute and I just wanted to cuddle him. I didn’t expect he would attack,” Liu … Read more

Goodbye to a giant

My great uncle Ed Horton died last week.  He was 85.  I’m going with my dad and Martha to his funeral in a little while. I stand in complete awe at the incredibly full life he had.  He was an Army captain and a World War II veteran, a college graduate, a hugely successful farmer … Read more

I saved my “I Voted” sticker

I wasn’t going anywhere after I voted, so why waste it? I figure I’ll slap it on and go to work some random day in March or April, and when someone asks me about it, I’ll be all snooty and aloof and oh-so-much-more-civic-minded-than-thou and say “Oh?  You didn’t vote?” and walk away with a look … Read more
