2000 Bloggers

Once upon a time a fellow named Tino Buntic decided to put together a page of 2000 bloggers, with hyperlinked photos. Only two rules: your blog had to include a photo of yourself, and it had to have been started before 01/01/2007. I thought it sounded pretty cool and told a few blogging friends about … Read more

Some of the stuff that makes me feel old

Today, or yesterday, or probably both, someone meeting exceedingly narrow current “standards” of attractiveness, and perhaps with a fair bit of money, but almost certainly exhibiting little or no real talent, behaved in a way sufficiently rude and/or crude that were the perpetrator a friend or coworker, some degree of anger or even temporary ostracism … Read more

Turn right and turn around

There’s a “traffic is so bad around here” thread in hsv.general once a year or so: why can’t people use turn signals, what’s so hard to understand about “slower traffic keep right,” and so forth. I don’t often enter these bleatfests, but when I do I usually invite the complainant(s) to visit Atlanta or Washington … Read more
