I’m offended

I saw something today that really pissed me off.  It’s an outrage, and I can’t believe it’s happening.  It embodies moral bankruptcy, intellectual atrophy, and it’s yet another indicator that the world is really just a couple of streets over from going to complete shit, pretty much. Except see, I don’t want to talk about … Read more


I’ve had a stressful week of the sort I haven’t had in years. The overwhelming majority of it is a direct result of reflections in my own mind, and has little tenable connection to actual events. On the way home today I considered for the first time how appallingly egotistical that is.

I’m my dad, volume 2

Nathan gets these temporary tattoos at school.  They offer them late in the week, for a quarter or something.  His rules are that he can get a maximum of two per week, they cannot go on his face, and they come off before Sunday night bath with no bellyaching. I’m looking forward to seeing what … Read more
