Dear restaurants: Hire enough people, pay them enough money, and charge me more for a reliably pleasant experience

Our Domino’s location has gotten so erratic we’re not going to order from them anymore. Usually the explanation we’ve received is “we’re short-staffed,” although one time they were down an oven. Lea and I tried to go to Texas de Brazil tonight. We’ve had our location for some years and never tried it, so why … Read more

Thursday miscellanea #616

Kudos to my couple of friends who responded thoughtfully and with nuance when I colorfully complained on social media about the primitive, disingenuous manner in which the abortion “debate” is generally conducted. You know who you are. (The many more strangers who precisely validated what I said certainly don’t.) We’re going down to get Amelia’s … Read more

Poking my head up to say hi

Didn’t mean to check out on you for days on end. I’m excited about some significant changes in my career, and of course I don’t discuss the professional present here. But that’s taking a lot of my bandwidth, mentally and physically. I have a sauce review coming soon, and watch for Thursday miscellanea this week. … Read more