Props to the Priest

Who would have thought Judas Priest would hit me harder in 2006 than ever before? I’m wearing out both Angel of Retribution and the DVD Rising in the East. What an incredible set and performance! Apart from Rob Halford briefly donning a ridiculous floor-length coat that makes him look alarmingly like Box from Logan’s Run, … Read more

U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) has big ears

I was thinking Barack Obama might make things interesting in ’08, but sheesh, does he seem thin-skinned. That is not a characteristic that lends itself well to running for President of the United States, in case you hadn’t noticed. He told Maureen Dowd (meowrrrrr): “So I just want to put you on notice; I’m very … Read more

Is this really happening?

Umm…did a bipartisan government commission really say recently that this asshole was part of the solution in Iraq? Nah, that couldn’t have happened. Could it? I find the level of outrage about this conference insufficient. I am concerned about what may happen in my lifetime in the name of dealing with the “Zionist regime.” Anti-Semitism … Read more