With a straight face

There’s plenty to say about the Clintons and their time in the White House, and that “plenty” truly runs the gamut from unconditional love to blind hate. But however you feel about the Clinton years, I bet it never would have occurred to you to say they “(restored) moral authority.” That’s what Terry McAuliffe had … Read more

Gratuitous kids-in-the-tub shot

Tough to take a bad shot of children in a bubble bath. The boys sure do love the occasional evening bath in Mom & Dad’s room. (photo redacted July 2019)

Turn right and turn around

There’s a “traffic is so bad around here” thread in hsv.general once a year or so: why can’t people use turn signals, what’s so hard to understand about “slower traffic keep right,” and so forth. I don’t often enter these bleatfests, but when I do I usually invite the complainant(s) to visit Atlanta or Washington … Read more
