Think of Windows 11 as Windows 10.1, and it’ll meet expectations

Windows 7 to Windows 8 was a big jump. Windows 8/8.1 to Windows 10 was a pretty good-sized jump too.

So far, my impression of Windows 11 is that it’s really Windows 10.1.

There are some visual changes, but none so dramatic that you’ll be adrift like many of us were jumping into Windows 8. I have lost the ability to have my taskbar at the top of the screen, which irritates me. That seems like a change that could only make people mad, so why make it?

Now I like Windows, and so far I like Windows 11 except for the less-customizable taskbar, which even I recognize I’ll get used to and be fine with in a week or so. But there’s just not much major to do right now with an operating system from release to release. The touch screen was the last big paradigm shift to address. We haven’t really had one since.

(Which is fine, but there’s little value added for anyone running anything after that paradigm shift. This feels like it should be a free upgrade indefinitely for anyone on Windows 8 or above.)

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