A little parenthood archaeology

In preparation for our Termidor treatment, our pest control professional asked if I could take down a small Rubbermaid snap-together shed that we’ve had on the north side of the house for a number of years. Sure, no problem.

When I took the back wall out yesterday, I noticed something behind it on the ground.

This is the timer that we used to control our kids’ screen time when they were much younger. I wrote of it extensively on Rocket City Mom once. Basically each kid got ten hours per week of screen time, and this was the monitor for it. They loathed it.

Golly gee willakers, how would such a hated thing end up in such a hidden and inaccessible place? Hmm. What a mystery!

Aaron says he doesn’t remember throwing it back there. I believe him. Mia says she doesn’t remember throwing it back there either. I think I believe her too, but we both readily agreed she probably did and just doesn’t remember doing so.

And here it is, eight years later. Mia asked for it as a keepsake. Certainly, my dear. Heh.

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