Is negative aromatherapy a thing?

I installed this cat door in the door between the kitchen and the laundry room a couple of months ago. It enables us to keep this door closed, which accomplishes several things for us. For one, it mostly confines the smell of the litter box. For another, it minimizes the noise from the washer and dryer. And finally, we can keep the cat’s food dish safe from the dog in there.

There is at least one notable unintended consequence, however.

When the dryer runs for a few hours in a row, it warms the laundry room up significantly. And should this warmth happen to coincide with a recent feline defecation, then you are treated upon entrance to a small tropical high-pressure system, at once vanquishing any chill you may have carried with you as well as thoroughly pampering you with the olfactory goodness of fresh cat shit.

It’s kind of like bread baking, really. (If bread smelled like cat shit.)

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