Yesterday, my phone, while on full random on my music collection, brought up the 1977 disco version of the Star Wars theme. Do you remember that? If you don’t, then don’t go looking for it. You won’t be able to unhear it.
Star Wars is a big deal right now, of course. Episode VII comes out week after next. I don’t know many people who won’t see it. The boys are excited about it. Shoot, I am too.
But as I sat listening to the horrific splendor of the disco Star Wars theme yesterday, I considered how much you really did have to be there, in 1977, to truly understand the initial impact and permeation of Star Wars.
Episode VII has been a source of considerable buzz, and it will lead the headlines for several days on either side of the premiere. But the first Star Wars movie hijacked the entire culture. It may have been the most you-can’t-get-away-from-it phenomenon of the 20th century. Action figures were currency in my elementary school. Did you remember that C-3PO and R2-D2 did spots advocating for childhood vaccines?
If you remember when the first Star Wars movie came out–if you really remember how things were–then hang onto those memories. I believe the relentless bombardment of information, and our consequently minuscule attention spans, ensure we’ll never again experience anything like it.
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Of course, I do remember how huge Star Wars was.
On a similar note, my children were listening to the radio when Adele’s newest song started playing and I mentioned to them that no matter how big any of their stars are today I do not think that anybody will be a bigger star in my lifetime than Michael Jackson was from 1982-1984.
Star Wars and “1982-1984 Michael Jackson” may be the biggest phenomena of the 20th Century from sheer “can’t-get-away-from-it-ness.”
I remember it started off as a sleeper. Not a lot of buzz, at fIrst. My mom took me and my siblings on a whim – hoping it would be decent entertainment. There was no line at the “single”-plex. A few weeks later and there were long lines at every showing. I think my best friend and I went about 13 times over the summer. Then high school started that fall.