My friend Laurelyn readers, meet my friend Laurelyn—legitimate contender for most beautiful brown-eyed girl in the world.

I’ve known Laurelyn for almost a third of her life, which is rather depressing. (If there are adult women walking around for whom you can say that, then you’re getting old, buddy.) She is an instrumentalist, singer, and songwriter with more talent than a lot of folks who have made it. She co-wrote and sang “I Went Fallin'” at 16 years old:

Need a cold cloth? Dudes and dolls, the term is “star power.”

(Nathan, after watching that video: “Dad, you actually know her?”)

Now when I was talking to her about this post, I told her I’d tell you that Laurelyn Carter for 2014 and beyond probably won’t resemble the above very much.

See, she’s a wife and a mom these days. She has a loving husband, a beautiful baby girl, and a day-to-day life rather inconsistent with jumping on the road for weeks at a time. (She tells me she may make it as far as Nashville for a weekend once in a while, though.) She’s looking hard at writing and producing.

Most of the time, with a musician of this caliber, you’re pleading with him/her to establish a normal and sustainable life and then pursue music. Instead, Laurelyn, the responsible wife, mother, and software professional, has folks in her ear saying “you are sooooo good. Don’t let this fall all the way off, please.”

Her mom posted a video of her performing Carrie Underwood’s “Inside Your Heaven” at her best friend Brittany’s wedding last week:

She’s promised me that when she’s ruling the world, I’ll have enough clearance to get past all her security goons and say hello after a show.

Control your jealousy.

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2 thoughts on “My friend Laurelyn”

  1. I listen to a lot of music. People who know me recognize that as part of my identity. This second video (“Inside Your Heaven”) warranted a comment, especially when juxtaposed with the first. The first video is OK. I admit, though it was not embarrassing like some homegrown are, I did stop it before the end. However, the second video is incredible. She has incredible control of her voice. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    • Glad you enjoyed, Daniel. I do too. You don’t have to hear her sing but five or ten seconds before you realize she’s not just “regular” talented. 🙂


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