’s Top Ten Reasons To Attend Downtown with RCB

The day of Downtown with the RCB: An Evening with the Rocket City Bloggers has arrived! Why should you come? I’m so glad you asked:

10. It’s a fabulous event, and you don’t need an evening gown. Your wife doesn’t either.

9. Dude, it’s 2014. You’re not going to miss The Cosby Show.

8. Did someone say interpretive dance? You are so there!

7. Maybe you’ll finally find respite from the voices inside the building.

6. It’s a whole room full of people who haven’t heard about the time you saw Merle Haggard in the SuperTarget.

5. The sun will go red giant and destroy the earth in another four to five billion years. Don’t you want to make the most of all the time you have left?

4. They probably won’t make you ask for the key every time you have to use the restroom.

3. There are hors d’ouevres, which means there’s a good chance of those toothpicks with the little squiggly colorful tags on them that you like so much.

2. Yes, the restraining order says 500 yards, but what are the odds your ex is a Rocket City Blogger?

1. Because you’re a blogger, prospective blogger, or blogging-curious business, and you want to connect with the Huntsville area’s best and brightest!

RSVP here. We’ll see you tonight.

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