Barack Obama recently nominated Sonia Sotomayor, who has a vagina and was born to poor Puerto Rican immigrants, to the Supreme Court.
Her confirmation hearings began today. There is essentially no doubt she’ll be confirmed. Senator Sessions still said many correct things for the record.
We also received confirmation #1,732 that Pat Leahy is a huge jackass. When Lindsey Graham offered Republican support for Miguel Estrada as an illustration that Republican concerns about Sotomayor are based on her judicial philosophy, not on her ethnicity, Leahy responded:
I’d just note, just so we make sure we’re all dealing with the same facts, Mr. Estrada was nominated when the Republicans were in charge of the Senate, was not given a hearing by the Republicans. He was given a hearing when the Democrats took back the majority in the Senate ….
The disingenuity of these comments is absolutely outrageous. This is sustained, intentional, cur dishonesty. The blow-by-blow analysis (including rigorous statistics and timelines) is a bit lengthy, but well worth reading over at The Bench.
Senators, and dogs, and ponies, oh my!
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I think I fell a little in like with Lindsey Graham yesterday.
Watching the Democrats overplay this has been fun. Sotomayor, who has a vagina and was born to poor Puerto Rican immigrants, would pretty much have to rip her face off and reveal herself as Robert Bork underneath to do herself in.
So why all of the ridiculous lying and misrepresentation, Dems?
I really need to find a way to cash in on my vagina. Other than the obvious way.
That’s easy, Cheryl – just apply for every job under the sun. Then sue every single job under the sun that doesn’t hire you for discrimination. If you need help with your case, run crying to the nearest powerful Liberal.
Any questions?