I saw the headline on CNN.com and turned the game on literally sixty seconds before it happened. So I got to see it. Yay, me. Good for you, Barry. And chemicals. Now sit the hell down and everybody shut the hell up about it. Come on, A-Rod.
I saw the headline on CNN.com and turned the game on literally sixty seconds before it happened. So I got to see it. Yay, me. Good for you, Barry. And chemicals. Now sit the hell down and everybody shut the hell up about it. Come on, A-Rod.
It’s little wonder the Crimson Nation is so excited about Nick Saban. In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s been a fairly painful run for us Alabama football fans lately. Of course, there was the national title in ’92, and we improbably jumped up and won the SEC in ’99. But other than that, it’s been … Read more
I try hard to pick with my head and not my heart when I have occasion to pick an Alabama football game. I’ve never tried to pick the whole season ahead of time before, but Finebaum laid down 7-5 as his prediction in April, and I just don’t see that. This was too solid a … Read more