I like big burgers…and I cannot lie

I hereby declare the era of the ridiculous hamburger as satirical commentary on American excess and consumerism over. Of course, fast food places have never been strongholds of dietary prudence.  Burgers like the Whopper, the Quarter Pounder, and the Wendy’s Triple with Cheese have been around for decades.  Then Hardee’s came along with the Thickburger, … Read more

Going back

I spent today in Oxford and Anniston, where I lived until I was 15 years old.  The high school class to which I would have belonged had we stayed is holding its 20-year reunion this weekend, and a tailgate party ahead of the homecoming football game tonight was the first event. I decided to leave … Read more

The weather has broken

It’s 63 ºF here and dropping.  Jealous? We got teased about a week and a half ago, but this feels like it for real.  The heat is gone. Kill the air conditioner—in the house and in the car. This Saturday, Alabama at Arkansas is at 11:30.  Florida at Tennessee is at 2:30.  And LSU at … Read more
