Duke lacrosse team rape accuser named

Yesterday Roy Cooper, the attorney general of North Carolina, said of the Duke lacrosse team players accused of rape: We believe these cases were a result of a tragic rush to accuse and failure to verify serious allegations. Based on these significant inconsistencies of evidence and the various accounts given by the accusing witness, we … Read more

The real problem with the Imus fallout

I’ve never much liked Don Imus. I find him neither engaging, nor funny, nor particularly insightful. To me, he brings all of the negatives of a grumpy old man to the table, with none of the positives. Despite my feelings, the market doesn’t lie, and he’s one of the most popular radio talk show hosts … Read more

Mark St. John dead at 51

Mark St. John, former lead guitarist for Kiss, died Thursday morning of a cerebral hemorrhage. He was 51. He played on Animalize, where I loved what he did with “Get All You Can Take,” and he appeared in the video for “Heaven’s On Fire.” He played three shows on the Animalize tour before Reiter’s syndrome … Read more
