Ten tips to save fuel in your car

Fuel economy is on lots of folks’ minds these days.  Gasoline at or near $4 hurts in the pocketbook, and of course there is the larger problem of unchecked fossil fuel consumption’s negative effects on the environment. Thus, in the spirit of community-mindedness that permeates everything I do at BoWilliams.com, here are a few tips … Read more


“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” – Benjamin Franklin I will sheepishly admit that in my svelte, Adonis-like physique, there is a lot of beer.  I estimate I’ve tried 500 or so, and I have been able to find something to like about nearly all of them.  (Even … Read more

Wanted: Journeyman rock ‘n’ roll artists, late ’70s through mid ’80s

I don’t bleg often. In fact, this may be the first time. I want to hear what you know about a certain sort of American or Canadian late-’70s-through-mid-’80s moderately successful arena rock ‘n’ roll act. Their stuff is usually poppy, but definitely guitar-based. It gets into unambiguous hard rock territory frequently, but stops short of … Read more
