Thursday miscellanea #603

Aaron has band functions and will miss at least the first half of the Boise State-UCF game tonight. I offered to DVR it and watch it with him from the beginning when he got home, and I’m a hero. It’s touching me how touched he is. Dude, I love watching ball with you too! Oh, … Read more

Ida notes

As I type the remnants of Hurricane Ida are mostly beyond us here at world headquarters. It seems to have been an event of little consequence in northern Alabama. The Paint Rock River is going to flood, but that happens every year or two with or without a tropical cyclone. The only novelties I … Read more

Review: Hoff’s Smoken Ghost Hot Sauce

I’ve accumulated a recommendation here and there for Chattanooga-based Hoff’s hot sauces, but never tried one until today. I picked up some Hoff’s Smoken Ghost on a recent Whole Foods junket. I don’t remember exactly what I paid for it, but though it must have carried a premium over mass market sauce territory, I don’t … Read more