Oh, but that is so trick. At $299, we’ll talk. $599? Can’t do it, Steve. Sorry. Cell phones, no matter what else they do, should share no pricing territory with laptops.
Oh, but that is so trick. At $299, we’ll talk. $599? Can’t do it, Steve. Sorry. Cell phones, no matter what else they do, should share no pricing territory with laptops.
No, not Giuliani. There’s a lot to like about the guy, but I just don’t think I could. He’s for way too much gun control, and he pulls up disappointingly soon on gay marriage. No, I’m talking about Ron Paul, the taxpayer’s best friend and a true defender of liberty. Looks like he’s running for … Read more
“An elected official is primarily concerned with getting reelected. Everything else is secondary.” – Dr. John Pottenger, Professor of Political Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville That seems axiomatic to me anymore. Dr. Pottenger probably wasn’t the first guy to say it, but he was the first guy to say it to me, most of … Read more