Wordle: I’m out

I got my first 2 this morning, and that was all it took. That was the straw.

You’ve been in a coma? Quick explanation: Wordle is a virally popular daily game in which players must guess a five-letter word in six tries or less. Each try gives you intel. If, in your try, a letter is in the word to be guessed but in the wrong place, it’s yellow. If a letter is in the word to be guessed in the right place, it’s green. (Remember Mastermind?)

I’ve played word games all my life, so this ought to be great, right? Indeed, I enjoyed it for a couple of weeks.

But then I lost yesterday.

See, that’s all I had left—that I hadn’t lost. I played a good while before I rang up a 6, even. But I eventually did. And then with yesterday, and this morning…

…yeah. About that 2. Ostensibly it’s the second-best score, but all it indicates is at least one really good guess. You don’t start well out of the chute because of skill; you do so because of luck. And as with a 2, so with a 1, only more so. Right? I mean, you get a 1 or a 2, then what’s the accomplishment? You spun the wheel favorably, and there’s no skill in spinning the wheel.

Then I start thinking “yeah, but I’ll get more 3s than 4s and blah blah blah” and there’s no joy there either, because guess what, Bo? You’re not the only smart person who’s played word games all his life. And gee, what sorts of folks do you think would be attracted to Wordle?

So, I can’t excel at Wordle. No one can, really. Over time—a short time—anyone who’s any good at this is going to do about the same as anyone else who’s any good at this. And if I can’t be a star at this, then I don’t care.

Y’all let me know if there’s ever a timed version.

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