So if you’re a Publix-shopping omnivore and you’re not aware of their delectable fresh in-house sausage, consider yourself informed! My Publix generally has Italian sausage (in mild or hot, in links or ground, and in pork or turkey—not all permutations available but you get the gist) and bratwurst always available. There is usually kielbasa. And yesterday, I noticed mango habanero with a little “limited edition” emblem.
Hmmm. Yes, please.
I cooked it the same way I cook other Publix sausages, which is in a skillet on low-medium heat for about 45 minutes, with four or five flips/reorientations as needed. The mango habanero sausage browned much more aggressively than the kielbasa I was cooking at the same time, so I figured it was probably pretty sweet.

And it is. It’s not cloyingly so, but it’s sweeter than even a typical Italian sausage. I’m not sure I detect any mango, frankly. There’s a little heat on the way out that lingers for a moment, but that’s it. With habanero in the description I hoped there might be some sparks here; alas, no. I’d serve this to nearly anyone.
This is not the gotta-have-it product I hoped for, but it’s tasty enough. It’s a good grab for a change of pace.
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