Thursday miscellanea #470

  • There was a $470 space on the big Press Your Luck board. Seemed like a conspicuously clunky number in a world of $200, $500, $1000, and so forth. I always wondered if there was a story behind it.
  • Tried one of those magnetic clips for my Fitbit Flex 2 and lost it the first day. Guess that answers that question. I put it in the watch pocket of my jeans when I wear them and that works well, but when I wear slacks I’ve worn the wrist strap, and I want to get away from that. I guess I’ll just clip my Zip when I don’t wear jeans.
  • I’ve had enough of the “you’re doing it wrong” trend in how-to articles, recipes, and so forth. You know what I’m talking about? Instead of just teaching you a new way to do something, they scold you in the headline to rile you into clicking on them. Here’s a good example. Hey, content writers and marketers? You’re doing it wrong.
  • I’ve only been to our Cabela’s once, but I found it thoroughly obnoxious just how freakin’ far I had to drive to get to it. It feels like there’s a serpentine whole ‘nother mile after you turn off Governors West onto “Cabela’s Dr.” Well, Melanie told me at lunch today that you could get to it from Madison Pike via Quality Circle. Enthusiastically noted.
  • We got the Mr. Rogers movie in town. I want to see it, but this is a good example of something I don’t think is worth a cinema experience. Potential for big sights and big sounds seems minimal. At home, on my couch? Yes, please. (Plus, there’ll be no crying in public then either.)
  • My pleasure reading has fallen off badly. I’ll make it a point to pick back up this weekend.
  • The food blogger tour ahead of Huntsville Restaurant Week is coming up! Watch for content everywhere you see me.

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