New conceptual video for MidCity Huntsville – and a monorail?

Here is a much better look at what we’re getting for our trade-in of Madison Square Mall to the universe. (If I figure out whether the video can be embedded later, I will.)

No doubt this looks very appealing, and it’s amazing how well they can bring it to life with current technology, isn’t it?

If this project really is going forward, then it’s reasonable to presume that solid market research supports the decision to build and open it. It certainly does seem like a bunch at one time for the area, though. (And Lea wondered about parking. Good question.)

Now we need a monorail circuit, using existing rights-of-way wherever possible (which really should be most of the route), connecting MidCity Huntsville, the Convention & Visitors’ Bureau, Parkway Place, Lowe Mill, Huntsville Botanical Garden, the new development at Gate 9, the U.S. Space & Rocket Center, and Bridge Street.

I have done a detailed cost analysis of this monorail and determined to my complete satisfaction that it will cost more than I have to give to fund such a project.

However, there are many people in Huntsville with more than $90, and I’d think they’d be highly approachable to help fund such a tremendous and technological legacy for the technological center in which they made their fortunes. I mean, I’ve listed eight stops. What should the naming rights for those cost? What about the legs between them? What about the trains themselves? What about the project in general? That’s closing on two dozen super-donors right there…

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