What do the Bosco people have against Alabama?

I think most of us know what Bosco is.  I remember Gene Simmons telling of squirting it directly in his mouth as a child, and how angry it would make his mother when she’d catch him.  It’s George Costanza’s favorite drink (and ATM code).  It’s chocolate syrup.  You make chocolate milk with it, and you put it on ice cream.

It occurred to me watching that Seinfeld episode that I’d never seen it before.  Seemed kind of odd that not once in almost four decades had I ever seen a bottle of Bosco.  So I went to the web site.  When you click for where you can buy Bosco in the United States, know what you see?

How about that?  Sure, there are other states where it isn’t available too, but are there any others completely surrounded by states where you can buy it?  We’re obviously not dealing with a distribution problem here.  So what’s it about?

No mystery why I haven’t seen it now.  Obviously I’m rarely in a grocery store out of town, and when I am, it’s usually the Gulf Shores area, so the Alabama dearth would get me there too.

Oh, well.  I don’t use a lot of chocolate syrup, but when I do, it’s not like Hershey’s has ever let me down.

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5 thoughts on “What do the Bosco people have against Alabama?”

  1. I’m with Terri…never heard of BOSCO. Grew up with Hershey’s syrup, but then again, in the words of my hubby…I’m a Yankee (even though, I’m not!).


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