It’s just a Wednesday

Wow, I kind of went to that place where I have a drink or two and mess around on Facebook and shit before I ever did a blog post.  I usually try to post first.  Sorry about that.  Feel free to short your next payment accordingly.

I don’t have much on my mind tonight:

  • I’m taking the boys to work tomorrow, and they’re excited.  I am too.  It’ll be a good time.
  • I just taught the older boy the hilarities of singing “Flick a Booger on Me” to the tune of “Pour Some Sugar on Me.”  (In the name of love.)
  • I’m cooking Mondays and Wednesdays right now in exchange for not being the parent who takes one boy or the other to spring soccer practice, though given that Nathan’s coach’s wife is hotter than a strontium fire, that might not be the deal I think it is.
  • We had pretty good spaghetti tonight, though Lea still detected the 50% ground turkey in the mix.  I’m dropping to 25% next time.
  • Some jackass in a gray Lexus ES350 cut me off tonight on my evening commute.  I hope I see you again, because I’ll publish your tag number if I do.

Love to you.

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2 thoughts on “It’s just a Wednesday”

  1. I hope all the fatherless boys in the world have at least an uncle who will take the time to teach them, “Pull my finger.”

  2. LOL Cheryl!

    Just as Nathan was learning to talk, Lea and I discussed the humor of bodily functions as it related to our children, and she was fine with us laughing at them–even celebrating them–in the privacy of our home as long as said celebration was accompanied by ample training for public behavior.

    Sounds good to me (said he with the uptight stepmother who thinks “fart” is at least linguistically equivalent to “ass” or “damn,” and maybe even a little worse).


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