Hey, let’s go to the mall!

pp1I did something almost unthinkable today, given the calendar.  I went to the mall.

One of my colleagues with whom I had just dined required Christmas presents for his wife, and being in no particular hurry to get back to work, I accompanied him.  Probably that I wasn’t driving sealed the deal.  Plus, I got excited about the possibility of being accosted by a security guard for taking photographs, which I understand they’re all pissy about anymore.

(Probably good that I wasn’t approached, ’cause I’d already planned to make trouble.  I was planning to say—dismissively, and with a hand wave for good measure—that these photos were “for my records.”)

You know, the crowd really wasn’t so bad.  The mall was perhaps two-thirds as full as I expected.


I did get an olfactory blast from the past.  You know that persistent stench of sandalwood-not-really-covering-B.O. on that hippie earth mother in college who didn’t believe in aluminum or some shit, and that’s why she didn’t wear deodorant?  Yeah, she walked by today, and it was instantly 1990 again for me.

Once I wondered if I could ever Be with an otherwise appealing woman who smelled like that, but it didn’t take long to occur to me that I never ran into such a woman who I would want to Be with even if she smelled like punkin pie.

Yeah.  So.

It was actually a pleasant junket.  I think that I was under no shopping pressure contributed tremendously to that feeling.

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5 thoughts on “Hey, let’s go to the mall!”

  1. BamaDan: Remember the fierce competition of token wars? I can remember 16 for $1. Maaaaaaan. That was some kind of sweet deal there.

    That cabinet does look cool. I think the price for such a thing has come down considerably from the last time I knew anything about it.

    ‘seester: Odd indeed. It was thinking I’d get a blog post out of it that tipped it for me. 🙂


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