Thursday miscellanea #35

  • Drove the truck yesterday for Earth Day.  Driving it today because it might rain, and my clown car is clean.
  • Don’t be too cool for/dismissive of stuff that’s supposedly “for kids.”  Have you seen The Incredibles?  When is the last time you played with Legos?
  • Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar D. Mitchell has (again) declared that we are being visited by extraterrestrial intelligent lifeforms.  This time, however, he’s giving the gummint until the end of May to come clean, before he starts putting out the proof on his own.  Bring it, man.  (I find it mathematically absurd to categorically exclude the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligent life—but I also generally find it mathematically absurd to suggest we’re being visited.)
  • Up is down.  Nonsense is being passed off as wisdom.  These are crazy times, and we should prepare for crazier times.  Go read Victor Davis Hanson’s column today.  Or don’t.  Hope, change, and what-not.
  • Kiss has established a precious vote-for-your-city system to determine the locations of their 2009 U.S. tour, which likely means we’ll be driving a bit to see it (should ticket prices come in somewhere under the car payment; hardly a given anymore).  I think Huntsville was around 140 the last time I looked.  As big a fan as I am, and despite that it’s been nine years since I’ve seen them, I’ve still really had my fill—but it would be cool to take the older boy if the fruit lines up.
  • Warner Bros. is offering to exchange your Warner Bros. HD DVDs for Blu-ray discs for $4.95 each (hat tip, Paul).  It’s too late for me to take advantage for a lot of mine, but I just checked, and I have three I could swap.
  •  Consistently boneheaded; occasionally funny; and definitely NSFW.
  • Some problems are easy, and some problems are difficult.  Difficult problems tend to be so because they are complex, consequential, or both.  Don’t compound such a problem with manufactured urgency.  Take a breath.  Think.  Pray.  Bring your best self to it.

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5 thoughts on “Thursday miscellanea #35”

  1. The Incredibles is one of my FAVVVorite movies as well as Monsters Inc, Cars, Cinderella, i could go on and on.

    I played with LEGOS Sunday, I love LEGOS and Silly Puddy and Crayons, ohhh crayons are so wonderful and they smell ggreat! If you see me on the school supply isle at Wally World its ‘cuz I had to smell the new Crayolas.

  2. Heh…KISS suck!

    You mean Gene Simmons hasn’t found a way to market “Vote For Your City”? Do they still hate Peter or can he move out of his mom’s garage? And Ace, don’t get me started on poor Ace.

    Didn’t they go on retirement tour like two administrations ago?

    FYI, U2 in the ATL in Oct. We’re somewhere in the exothermic layer of the Georgia Dome, but the tickets were cheaper than Denis Leary. Bono cares!

  3. Buzzregog: Ah, that’s hardly a blip on the radar. Nothing will ever top my decade of hearing “Bo Knows.” Each utterer was certain s/he was the first to think of such a clever thing to say to me.

    Lori: Crayola is a good smell indeed. There’s a blog post: good smells. Hmmmm…appropriateness? or honesty?

    Tommy: Nothing like Sunshine State-induced rehabilitation. Enjoy, my friend. I’ll be watching for photos.

    BamaDan: The last time I saw them was on the “Farewell” tour (ninth row at the BJCC–sweet!) on April 14, 2000, which was indeed two administrations ago.

    There are many jokes at the expense of Kiss. They deserve most of them.

    Have fun at U2!


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