Pass It On

We sang “Pass It On” (aka “It Only Takes a Spark”) in church today.  It’s such a beautiful song, and deceptive in its simplicity.  I hadn’t heard or sung it since I was a little boy.  In fact, I have a feeling it was on the way out of my brain, as I had to pull in the melody a bit when the lyrics popped up on the overhead.  So I’m glad it made the set list this morning.

As fondly as I (now) remember it, I can’t place exactly where I sang it in my childhood.  The Episcopal Day School and/or YMCA camp are reasonable guesses.  Anyway, I’m walking around singing it to myself this afternoon, which is doing good things for my mood.  (It’s also a welcome respite from Carly Simon’s “Nobody Does It Better,” which mysteriously and relentlessly pummeled me for two days last week.)

I hope you’re having a good Sunday.

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5 thoughts on “Pass It On”

  1. Stephen King wrote a good article recently about “earworms” and how certain songs will stick in your head. I had a straight-laced as he could possibly be boss a few years ago that had gotten Rod Stewart’s “Hot Legs” stuck in his head and it was tormenting him.

  2. That was always one of my favorite church songs (Pas It On, not Hot Legs.) I learned to play guitar on that tune (and many others from church books). Kind of like Alabama (the band) and “learned to play the flat top on them good old gospel songs.” I have the words and music if you want them.

  3. Scott: “Earworms” is a great term!

    BB_FAN: Funny you mention that. The song did renew my interest in learning to play my guitar competently. I have a lot of crawling to do before I can walk, so I may take you up on your offer, but not today. 🙂 Thanks for the offer.

  4. Sorry, man. Can’t stand that one. I think it was the theme song at Jubilee or some camp one year and it was performed ad nauseum. I go to my happy place whenever folks sing it.


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