War on Terror: The Sitcom

(Title loved and thus borrowed from the media blog at NRO, where I saw this story referenced.)

From the Telegraph:

American troops in Afghanistan have been accused of insulting Islam after footballs bearing the name of Allah were dropped from helicopters as gifts.

The balls display flags from around the world, including that of Saudi Arabia, and carry the Koranic declaration of faith known as the shahada.

About 100 people demonstrated in the south eastern province of Khost after clerics criticised the US for insensitivity.

(Insert deep, deliberate sigh here.)

Now I can’t be certain whether Islam generates a large number of thin-skinned adherents, or whether they are covered disproportionately by hand-wringing teary-eyed guilt-ridden Western media, or some combination of these.

Whatever the case, I’m mightily tired of offended Muslims. This time it was “offensive” footballs for children and a few dozen protesters. Lest you forget, it can also mean a few “offensive” cartoons, and hundreds dead.


We’ve mostly got the whole tolerance-for-people-of-disparate-backgrounds thing figured out in the United States. We’ve got our pockets of nonsense, but they are largely recognized for what they are: rare exceptions. (They’re also a guaranteed component of a free society.) It’s pretty much a slam-dunk that if your faith doesn’t include ritual human sacrifice, stomping baby bunny rabbits, or something similarly heinous, you’ll practice it as you please in the U.S. We’re good like that.

I know there are reasonable, intelligent, and tolerant Muslims. It’s past time for them to make a hell of a lot more noise. It’s past time for them to stand up and denounce the nonsense in their tent.

I’m getting along with you.  Now you get along with me.

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2 thoughts on “War on Terror: The Sitcom”

  1. Forgive the unintended pun, but A-FRICKIN-MEN!!

    C’mon, People! It takes SO much energy to be that uptight – relax a little and try to recognize that we’re all essentially the SAME!



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