Pastor Ashley at Redeemer

Elisa and I rode the same school bus 25 years ago.  That I can recall, I never saw her except on the bus, and I haven’t seen her since then.

I remember her as an unusually savvy 12- or 13-year-old.  We were buddies.  She got my jokes, and I got hers.  We clicked.  You know?  I was pleased to find her on Facebook a year or so ago, and delighted that she remembered me.  She is on track to complete seminary next year, and currently serves as Bridge Pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Charlotte, NC.

She’s begun a blog on which she will place podcasts of her sermons.  I just listened to the first one, and really enjoyed it (though I had to start it over once; had trouble getting past the novelty of hearing her as an adult!).  I’ll just bet Pastor Ashley at Redeemer is going to be a consistently worthwhile stop on the web.  Bookmark it now, and check in often.

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