Blue-eyed murder in a size five dress

Guess what’s almost certainly going to happen this summer? How about a Van Halen tour with David Lee Roth? Road trip! Are ya pumped, dudes and dolls? I’m not. Charles and I saw David Lee Roth in 2002, and it was not pretty. I mean, the guy was sloppy as hell even back in the … Read more

Anything you want on a church sign

Lea, the boys, and I were headed to the lake for Thanksgiving dinner one year, and one of the little churches we pass had the following on their sign: HANGING OF THE GREENS SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE, 7 PM I looked at Lea and said “wow, you know, I’m sure whatever the Greens did, simply asking … Read more

Mike Judge sends another one over the center field wall

Take an underachieving private, an overachieving prostitute, and a top secret Army experiment. They’re supposed to hibernate for a year. Instead they do so for 500 years, and awaken to find the country supersaturated in base pop culture, its denizens so slack-jawed stupid they can’t complete a thought or a sentence. No, it’s not set … Read more