Three Men in a Boat

All right, I’ve had it. Many of you know about the Dark and Stormy Book Club, prominently linked on the right there. It’s an Internet radio show and blog I’ve co-hosted with Saintseester and Mrs. Chili for several months now. “Hey, that’s neat, Bo,” lots of you say. “Cool idea!” I hear from others. I … Read more

My Unclaimed Mysteries man-crush

OK, it’s not really a man-crush.  You know, I guess.  Hell, maybe it is.  Maybe I should call it a “bro-mance.”  I heard someone way cooler than I am use that term once.  Perhaps this is how one feels.  And I’m secure enough to call it that. Yeah.  So. Corry Lee Smith and I were … Read more


(Some minor spoilers.) Well, I finished Gears of War, so now I’m into BioShock in a big way. It’s 1960. Your plane crashes over the Atlantic Ocean, a short swimming distance from a lighthouse. Inside the lighthouse is a bathysphere, which you take to Rapture, a city on the ocean floor. Rapture is rendered in … Read more