Marine aquarium is back up

The boys and I went to The Aquarium Shop on Sunday.  I was thinking I’d get five small (<1″) damsels to cycle my aquarium before adding the “real” inhabitants, as I had done twice before.  Instead, I got lucky with some trade-ins from a big reef tank, and came home with two larger (2″) Chromis … Read more

Breakout Sunday school activities

As we were leaving church today, our children’s ministries director flagged Lea down and asked her to teach the games station for our rotational Sunday school on three upcoming Sundays.  She agreed, of course. Now Lea’s very good at this sort of thing and will likely come up with some great activities and games on … Read more

Kory and Sarah

This is Kory and Sarah.  They are the cutest young people out with whom I hang with any regularity: Aren’t they adorable?  Don’t you see them having Anne Geddes babies, but all of the obnoxious syrupy furry fuzzy wuzzy trappings won’t even be necessary? Kory’s a software developer and a colleague.  He just got back … Read more