On seeing An Inconvenient Truth

I purchased An Inconvenient Truth yesterday and watched it this afternoon. I had not given the film much thought until I read James Randi’s comment on it last week. He was clearly impressed by it, and that’s a big indicator. Randi is one of the most no-nonsense guys there is, and if he’s piqued, then … Read more

Remember, the book 2001: A Space Odyssey was about Saturn, not Jupiter

Did you see the new image of the gigantic hexagon at Saturn’s north pole yet? The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft just imaged it. The Voyager probes took pictures of this feature over 20 years ago, but not with this detail. At Saturn’s north pole, we’ve apparently encountered a remarkably regular, naturally occurring hexagon that is 15,000 miles … Read more

The Amazing Randi on global warming

I am a longtime fan of the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF). The JREF is perhaps best known for offering a million-dollar prize to anyone who can demonstrate paranormal or supernatural powers under controlled test conditions agreed to by both parties. Its founder, James Randi, is an expressive and enthusiastic debunker of pseudoscience (as well … Read more
