Had to be Excedrin

I used to work with a woman who swore by Excedrin. Nothing else worked on her headaches. One day she was out and asked if I had any. I said “no, but I have aspirin and acetaminophen; chase them with a cup of coffee and you’re set.” She looked bewildered. “That’s what’s in it: aspirin, … Read more

The 18¢ dinner

The boys start Vacation Bible School tonight, and Lea is coordinating snacks (in addition to doing a fantastic job with decorations all week!). So I have dinnertime to myself tonight. I can have anything I want, and I’m having a thoroughly ridiculous craving. I might have ramen for dinner. It’s been 14 years or so … Read more

Just don’t open it

Why would you?  I don’t.  Not right now. You’ve got a 401(k) statement coming in.  You may have a brokerage account statement or two coming in.  Are you shrinking in fear from the thought of breaching the envelope? Well, dig:  You planned your strategy considering the hills and valleys of the market, right?  You’re a … Read more
