Thursday miscellanea #612

The level of hearsay/rumor/conspiracy theories/other unsupported crap going around the interwebs about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is absolutely staggering. We have resumed in-person monthly meetings of the North Alabama Human Trafficking Task Force. For now, we meet in the auditorium at the main branch of the Huntsville Madison County Public Library, on the first Tuesday … Read more

Angry pho at Viet House

Regular readers know I’m a big fan of Viet House. Of the six or seven Vietnamese places in the area, I’d say it’s one of the top two. So I eat there a lot. Today, with Melanie and Shannon, I noticed an interesting offering on the menu for the first time: “angry pho.” For an … Read more

Thursday miscellanea #611

We had an enjoyable evening out at Tom Brown’s this week. Our food and our table service were both excellent. However, Tom Brown’s needs to rethink the rigidity of its seating policy requiring all members of a party to be present. Certainly this is sensible and should be enforced when there is a crowd, but … Read more