Thursday miscellanea #242

  • The Rocket City Bloggers meet and greet is tonight.  It sounds as if it’s going to be reasonably well attended.  I’m pleased that we seem to be reaching that kind of critical mass for the blogging community in northern Alabama.  Thanks to 3Skillets, Jeff White Photography, and the Huntsville Madison County Convention & Visitors Bureau for their substantial efforts in pulling this event off.
  • The Windows 8.1 preview is now available.  I have no complaints worth even the slight risk of pre-release software, so I’ll likely wait for the final version.
  • Today is the day I delete my personal Facebook profile.  “Facebook suicide,” a friend of mine called it yesterday.  I’m budgeting a couple of hours for a systematic gleaning of contact information before I march it out back.  I wish it hadn’t come to this.
  • I enjoyed the always-lovely company of Suzanne yesterday for lunch.  (Dave was supposed to join us too, but was unavoidably redirected.)  However, the Thai red curry from Sun Cafe was disappointingly bland, with an off-taste on the shrimp almost like freezer burn.
  • Aaron Hernandez has been arrested and charged with murder.  I’m unlikely to follow the minutiae of the story from day to day, but it certainly sounds on the front end like it’s going to go very badly for him.
  • Just noticed last week that Forward Unto Dawn was on streaming Netflix.  (I love the games, but in some respects I’m not a very rigorous fan.  Not really a stretch to call this serial television, though, which I’ve largely given up.)  In any case, the boys and I will catch it soon.
  • James Gandolfini’s funeral is this morning.  RIP.

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5 thoughts on “Thursday miscellanea #242”

  1. Wish I could pop in at the Meet & Greet, but there are too many things going on on Thursday evenings in the summer. Why is that?

    Also, I think the dead guy also had things go badly for him.

    As Dale Jackson quipped on Twitter yesterday, God really wants Tebow to play TE for New England.

  2. ‘seester, no doubt. Sounding like there might be more than one dead guy. Sheesh…

    Tahm, I was going to pass your compliment along to him, and then forgot to look for him specifically. There were a lot of guys with cameras.

  3. Tahm, no. I require a lot of guidance and discipline when I am photographed. I must say, has been very helpful in getting me what I, uh, need.


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