Dad’s spicy chicken

So Lea called me right after lunch today to tell me she had collected Aaron from the school nurse’s office, and he was the eighth pupil with identical gastrointestinal symptoms she’d sent home today.  He was too ill to ride round-trip again for the other boy, so I came home from work early to stay … Read more

Germophobes can’t be president

Everyone stop pretending Donald Trump is a legitimate candidate for president. Not that there aren’t many other reasons to consider the prospect thoroughly ludicrous, but dig:  Donald Trump won’t shake hands.  No person who won’t shake hands can win the presidency. I was no big Bob Dole fan, but honestly, I always wondered just how … Read more

Peanuts, sweet potatoes, flying the Command Module…

So when I got back from purchasing tires for the Technical Writing Express this morning—ouch—Lea and the boys were snuggled up in our bed and enjoying goofy conversation.  What a perfect thing to be doing on a stormy Saturday morning, right? The boys were telling silly, invented-on-the-spot jokes about Neil Armstrong going down the steps, … Read more