Thursday miscellanea #42

  • It’s too hot for June.
  • At some point we’re going to have to do something about the Norks besides write threatening letters.  I hope our president understands that.
  • Remember what this guy had to say about not sufficiently appreciating advances in technology, building an unjustified sense of entitlement, and so forth?  An instance of my guilt in this vein occurred to me this week.  I really can’t stand to use a mechanical mouse anymore, and my disdain of a corded one is building.
  • PETA is chastising Barack Obama for killing a fly.  As I’ve indicated before, PETA is a bunch of completely unhinged lunatics.  If you want to remember animals in your giving, there are many better choices.
  • It appears NASA is still preparing for a manned return to the moon, at least until the budget gets diverted to preschool cultural sensitivity programs or somesuch.
  • I’m considering dumping Twitter again.  I think the novelty’s worn all the way off for me, and I’m not at all sure enough utility remains.  Plus—and I really hate admitting this, but it’s the truth—it’s a bit of a turn-off for me that so many people are doing it now.
  • I loved old Ventures records when I’d encounter them in my dad’s collection.  RIP, Bob Bogle.

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2 thoughts on “Thursday miscellanea #42”

  1. My usage of twittering dropped off immediately due to two things 1) people who twitter about twittering and retweet other peoples tweets, and 2) the fact that congress knows what it is.


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