Sixth severed foot washes up on British Columbia beach

Story here. I’ll spare you photos, but they’re out there if you want to look for them, you sick fuck.

The best guess so far is that these are the remains of four people killed in a plane crash in the area in 2005.

Sounds good, unless we get to a ninth foot.

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5 thoughts on “Sixth severed foot washes up on British Columbia beach”

  1. 6 feet = 1 fathom

    So far the explanations they have popped off with seem kinda lame. Why are they finding only feet. The 2005 plain crash explanation sounds pretty far fetched to me. 3 years in the ocean and 6 feet wash up. Guess the sharks are picky and pass on feet. I did not look at the photos of the feet, so don’t kwno what kind of shape they are in.

    Maybe Canada just wants to drop the metric system.

  2. Yeah, the explanations are really lame. The most plausible thing I can come up with is a prankster with access to a lot of corpses. Perhaps a crematorium employee? A foot’s worth of ashes wouldn’t be missed.

    They said this afternoon that the sixth foot was a hoax.

  3. I wonder if they know what the left feet are doing?

    OK, I don’t like my guess anymore. They could nail that guy pretty easily with DNA evidence, i.e. find the facility common to all of the feet and sniff around there.

    So what of the feet of British Columbia?


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