Metal mania

Gold touched $861 per troy ounce today.  Platinum is well over $1,500.  Palladium is flirting with $400.  Even silver is near $16.

Sheesh.  I want in 15 years ago, don’t you?

Whether this says anything important about the state of the world economy is interesting debate.  One thing that has unquestionably happened, however, is that there are some different sorts of opportunists ready to scoop up the gullible on eBay.

Want to add some “fine brass” (I swear it says that) to your portfolio?  How about a lustrous ingot of aluminum (complete with “shiny metal silver color”)?  Perhaps your ever-so-discriminating taste runs to a pound of pure lead?  They’re out there, folks.  Step right up and pull that trigger.  Start investing in precious metals today.

Uh, I mean, start buying extremely common substances at many times their respective spot values.

You know, this is just the sort of shit I can’t ever seem to think of.  Not bitter.  Just sayin’.

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