Fill it up with Gulf of Mexico

So this guy was looking for a cure for cancer, and accidentally discovered that saltwater would burn. Real hot-like, even. Can we solve our dependence on foreign oil and eliminate concern about rising sea levels in one shot? If this is a hoax, it’s expertly perpetuated.

Man, there are boxes everywhere

Hey there! I’m glad you found me. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but it ought to be the first and only of this nature. I think we’ll be settled in here for a good long while. Been meaning to move WmWms anyway, but it got kicked way the hell up my priority list when … Read more

Drew Carey takes the slender microphone

CBS confirmed today that Drew Carey, stand-up comic, star of a successful and long-running eponymous sitcom, and host of the American version of Whose Line Is It, Anyway?, has been hired to host The Price Is Right this fall. Drew Carey is a marvelous choice. He is quick, personable, and brings enough charisma to the … Read more