Thursday miscellanea #391

  • My children stay up until I specifically tell them to go to bed. I don’t think it was like this when I was a kid. I think I got in trouble if I didn’t observe bedtime. What happened?
  • I finally fired Firefox a few days ago and started using Edge at home. The performance difference is dramatic. There are a couple of minor UI mistakes, but overall I’m very pleased.
  • Upward 2017 is approaching. If you’d like to volunteer, please let me know. Send me email or comment here. It takes hundreds of people, both inside and outside Good Shepherd, to pull this ministry off every year, and we need you. I promise you a substantial feeling of personal reward.
  • ZDnet has an entertaining, and depressing, presentation of the 25 worst tech launches of all-time. I was a consumer of five of these. Can you guess which ones?
  • My dream house has ingenious modular bookshelves on every single wall of every single room except the kitchen, bathrooms, utility rooms, and closets. How cool would that be?
  • There are no better salads in the greater Huntsville area than at Main Street Cafe in Madison. Everywhere else feels like highway robbery after you have a lunch salad at Main Street. The difference is striking.
  • I’m going to do a post about peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches soon. That combination totally works. My mother taught me about them. What do you like in a sandwich that few others understand?

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