Dear bicyclists:

I get that you have a right to be there.  On any road but a limited access highway, you’re just as legal as I am in the Technical Writing Express.  By law, you have full vehicular rights.  I obey these laws.

I get that there are laws governing the minimum clearance I provide you when I pass.  I obey these laws.

For the most part, in my experience, you behave legally as well.  But, dig:  you can be 100% legal and still be really rude.

You can hold two dozen cars behind you on a two-lane road at 12 mph and not break the first law (EDITED: or maybe you are; see the comments).  So can a guy on a tractor.  But you know what the guy on the tractor generally does?  He pulls off for 20 whole seconds and allows the traffic behind him to pass, because he’s being considerate of others!

What a great idea, eh?  Do you see how that whole “I’m legal” thing can still be consistent with “I’m being a self-centered jackass”?

To the few (in my experience) who do think of others and pull off, I appreciate it.  We all do.

To the rest of you, the Golden Rule applies here too.  Goodwill works best when it’s bidirectional.  That small break is not going to damage the quality of your workout.  Thank you.

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3 thoughts on “Dear bicyclists:”

  1. Uniform Vehicle code (which Alabama generally adheres to) states that if more than 5 (not positive if it is equal or >) vehicles stack up behind you, you are to pull over and allow them to pass.

    So, he probably is breaking the law.

  2. Since I am actually married to a cyclist who was once pulled over by a Sheriff, with whom my husband actually was able to argue that he (cyclist) was in the right when the Sheriff was in the wrong, it pays to understand the laws as they pertain to riders. Said Sheriff actually pulled his UVC out to verify what my husband was telling him.

    I used to know it very well, now I just have passing knowledge of the good bits.


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