Where is the dawn?

It’s a new week.  I still feel beaten.

I think my greatest fear is that there aren’t any more “persuadables.”  Whatever else the Supreme Court decision has accomplished, it has made it much easier for anyone with a mixed position to ice it in favor of Obamacare.

For all the good they may have ever done or not done, perhaps there are no more philosophical discussions to be had.  Maybe now the only action is convincing the already-convinced (on the merits) that this monstrosity can be turned back, if we recapture the White House and the Senate and keep the House.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure there’s a path there.  I think that’s much easier for the regime to counter with fear and assumption.  Fatigue has become a formidable enemy.  Too many who were ever point-by-point persuadable aren’t going to look now.  They’re going to hug their Obama sound bite like a warm blanky and wander off to see what’s on TV tonight.

And of course, we remain saddled with an entire generation of people who have never been taught that government should fear its people, not vice versa.  They are eager to be subjugated because they don’t understand that it is subjugation.  (Most of them were never persuadable.)

I can hear people fifty, a hundred years from now reading of this travesty and saying “how could the United States not see what was happening in several European countries at the same time they signed themselves up for this?”

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1 thought on “Where is the dawn?”

  1. I remember reading books in high school by Orwell and Bradbury and others, and thinking, “Wow. It’s a good thing that doesn’t happen in real life.”

    Oh, to be seventeen again and so naïve.

    What bothers me isn’t just the lack of persuadables… it’s the total and complete resignation of an entire society. Yes, there’s pockets of thinkers left here and there, but for the most part, the American people have simply just thrown up their hands and said, “Well, that’s it then.”

    Where are the fighters? Where is the spirit that carried us westward? Where is the gumption that dumped tea in the harbor? Where – if I may ask without seeming lost in pop culture — have all the cowboys gone?

    The popularity contest model worked when we were in high school and college, but this is a matter of life and death we’re talking about, and yet no one will grow a set of testes and fight the establishment in the way it needs to be fought.

    It’s easier to just sink back into the sofa and shake your head. And that makes me sad.


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